Template bookmarks

Template bookmarks

About template bookmarks

Template bookmarks create great operational efficiency and ensure consistent use content across all documents generated by your organisation. They also reduce operational risks associated with content not being updated timeously, particularly content of a legal or compliance nature. 

Template bookmarks in BrandOffice and BrandMail

Template bookmarks are bookmarks which are housed in the BQIgnite platform, and referenced at a specific location in a document or template hosted on the BrandOffice and BrandMail toolbars. Content for these bookmarks is updated in the BQIgnite platform, which then automatically updates the content across all templates which reference this bookmark. 

User cases for bookmarks

  1. A list of directors on a letterhead
  2. A disclaimer
  3. A physical or postal address
  4. A bio
  5. A product boilerplate
Content bookmarks
Benefits of content bookmarks
Steps to creating and using bookmarks

Fields which need to be filled in a mail template

Troubleshooting Bookmarks
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