My Signature Disappeared (Outlook 2016)

My Signature Disappeared (Outlook 2016)

How to re-enable your signature if it has "disappeared" (Outlook 2016)

Your signature may appear to "disappear" if your BrandMail Add-in becomes disabled. This could be due to Outlook starting up slowly (which then causes all add-ins, including BrandMail) to disable. If you are running Outlook 2016, re-enable the add-in is even faster than with older versions of Outlook. 

1. Open Outlook
2. Go to File
3. Click on Manage COM Add-ins


4. Go to BrandQuantum_BrandMail_AddinModule 
5. Ensure the setting is set to "always enabled"

6. Reboot your Outlook for the changes to take effect. Your BrandMail should now re-appear. 

Also see: My Outlook is slow
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