How to manually switch toolbars and access a second signature

Manually switching toolbars

How to manually switch toolbars and access a second signature

BrandMail users may have access to more than one toolbar (in the case of BrandMail desk and BrandMail web). The default toolbar is the toolbar that automatically loads up when creating new emails (and carries the default signature). However, a user may have access to other toolbars with other signature variants. This access is granted by the organization's toolbar administrators. 

In order to manually access a toolbar (with it's accompanying signature and content):

1. Open up a new email in Outlook and click on the BrandMail tab
2. Select the drop-down

3. Manually select the alternate toolbar.
Note: this toolbar will remain selected for the duration of your Outlook session (until you restart Outlook) or until you manually switch to another toolbar. All emails you send during this Outlook session will use the signature on this toolbar. 

4. To access your alternative toolbar signature, go to Mail Format, Signatures, and manually select the signature you need to use.

5. Any content specific to this toolbar can also be manually accessed under Brand Resources or Mail templates. 
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