BrandMail: Signature Metadata is missing

BrandMail: Signature Metadata is missing

There are a few reasons why you may see the error below when synchronizing your BrandMail toolbars:

1. No user metadata exists for the user profile. To check if the metadata is available, please go to the BrandMail tab and click on "Update my signature":

Is your name appearing under "user"? If it not, this means your user credentials have not been inputed correctly under settings. Please see details on how to update your user settings. 

If your user name appears but there is no data in the form, please update your information. Click "update record" and then "sync data". 

2. If you have more than one toolbar, it is possible that metadata has been added for one toolbar and not for the other. Please add metadata for your supplementary toolbar(s) and resync your data. Alternatively, please contact your administrator who can check the metadata available for your user profile in the BQIgnite admin console. 

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