BrandMail: Loading Fonts onto toolbars
Loading your brand primary fonts onto your BrandMail toolbar will allow you to:
- Use your primary fonts when designing email signatures
- Use your primary fonts when designing email banners
- Use your primary fonts to customise your BrandMe pages
To add your primary fonts:
- Locate your BrandMail toolbar
- Go to your fonts folder
- Right mouse click, go to Brand Standards, Add Font. Please do don't change the font name.

NOTE: Fonts loaded on toolbars will automatically install onto your users' workstations. Should you not wish the font to automatically install, simply deactivate the folder. If the folder is deactivated it will not be visible on the workstations, but the fonts will still be available for you to use when working with your signatures, banners and BrandMe pages.

TIP: .otf files are always preferable to .ttf files.
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