BrandMail FAQ's

BrandMail FAQ's

BrandMail Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I change the body font of my emails?

No, the body font is centrally managed.
BrandMail standardises your email signature, as well as the body font that you type your emails with. The font, colour, and text size are controlled by your brand administrators. A common font ensures a consistent and uniform brand appearance on all email communications. Whilst you are not able to adjust the email body font settings yourself, please feel free to raise any questions with regards to your brand standards with your BrandMail administrator. 

Q2: Can I choose to switch my signature on or off?

No. The design for your forward and reply signatures is managed centrally by your Brandmail administrators. Each organisation has different requirements for signature designs. BrandMail does cater for a different forward and reply template, but the design is controlled centrally by your administrator. Whilst you may have a personal preference for your signature, it is important that the organisation appears consistent on all communication. Internal emails do sometimes end up externally, therefore the same consistent appearance should be maintained regardless of whom the communication is directed at. Remember that the the needs of email recipients should come first. It is very frustrating for recipients of emails if they are not able to quickly find your contact information. Scrolling through email trails results in a poor end-user experience. 

Q3: Do I have to have all fields filled in on my signature?

No. BrandMail caters for different signature templates to automatically be inserted in your emails, based on which fields are filled in on your BrandMe settings. Whilst some fields may be mandatory, certain fields such as mobile numbers, toll-free numbers, etc are likely to be optional. It is likely that at least 1 telephone number and your email address are likely to be mandatory fields for your signature. Please check with your administrator if you are uncertain. 

Q4: Why is the information on my signature incorrect?

The information on your signature has been brought into the BQIgnite platform from information supplied to us via an automated link or data import. Whilst your organization has taken care to ensure the correctness of the information, it is possible that some gremlins may have crept in. It is quite common to use the BrandMail implementation as an opportunity to clean up and correct the information. Remember, you are best positioned to verify the accuracy of your information! A common issue may be the appearance of a digit "missing". Since organizational systems may have captured different user details differently (e.g. with and without international dialling codes, with and without spaces, etc) it could easily appear as if some digits have been dropped off. The best way to ensure your information displays correctly is to ensure you know which number format your organization has standardised on. e.g. International dialling requires: +1 (USA), +44 (UK), +27 (SA), etc to be added as a prefix to your number. When using international dialling codes 0's are normally omitted. e.g. 011 772 5600 becomes +27 11 772 5600. BrandMail caters for any masking format required, so please contact your administrator if you are uncertain. 

Q5: I have filled in fields in BrandMe, but they do not appear on my signature. What's wrong?

The fields in the BrandMe form may be used on your signature, the BrandMe page (digital business card), your PDF Business Card or for internal reporting purposes. If a field is filled in but doesn't display, it is because the signature template is currently not making use of the field. Please be in touch with your administrator to discuss your requirements. They will be able to add the required fields. 

Q6: I would like to include a greeting line. Does BrandMail cater for this?

Yes, BrandMail does cater for the inclusion of additional fields. Please discuss your requirements with your BrandMail administrator. 

Q7: I would like to display additional information on my signature. Is this possible?

Yes. BrandMail caters for additional fields, which can be added to your organizational signature by your BrandMail administrator. Please discuss your requirements with your admin. 

Q8: I have 2 different job titles. Can BrandMail cater for this? 

Yes, BrandMail can cater for different signature requirements. These can be automatically evoked (based on rules), or manually inserted. Please discuss your requirements with your BrandMail administrator. 

Q9: Our team carries unique signature information due to statutory, compliance or operational requirements. Can BrandMail cater for our team's unique requirements?

Yes, BrandMail can cater for the unique requirements of sub-teams and departments. Please discuss your needs with your BrandMail administrator. 

Q10: Can my Personal Assistant's details be included on my signature? 

Yes, BrandMail does cater for linked signatures. Please discuss your requirements with your BrandMail administrator who will be able to enable this function for you. 

Q11: I need to write on behalf of my manager. What now?

BrandMail does cater for an "on behalf of signature". Assistants are able to write on behalf of up to five unique individuals. Please speak to your BrandMail administrator to enable this function. 

Q12: What is my BrandMe page / digital business card? 

Every signature carries a link to your own, personal BrandMe page. This page is completely customizable per organization. Your organization may choose to display additional fields on the BrandMe page, such as qualifications, professional designations, pronouns, personal bio, etc. Recipients of your emails are able to download your complete contact card via the QR code displayed on your BrandMe page. 

Q13: What are the other buttons on the BrandMail ribbon for?

Brand Standards: Quick access to your organization's font, fill and line colours. Highlight text in your email and apply for quick brand compliance. 
Brand Tools: Apply your brand colour theme or switch between themes. Useful when creating tables and charts in line with your brand standards.
Brand Resources: Quick access to attachments (e.g. brochures and collateral), hyperlinks (e.g. to specific pages on your website) to include in emails. 
Mail Templates:
Content inserts: Standard content snippets to use when writing new or replying to existing emails. Saves you tons of time!
Mailer templates: pre-formatted HTML mailers e.g. happy birthday, greeting cards, welcome emails, etc.
Bundled content inserts: Mailers with accompanying attachments. 
Mail Format: Manually access signature variants, email banners or survey links to use in emails. 
Mail verify: Security feature which allows you to verify whether any changes have been made to the body of emails in an email conversation. Works BrandMail user to BrandMail user. 
Brand Search: Quickly find any type of content or attachment available on your BrandMail toolbar.

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