BrandMail Error: An error occurred while generating Banner - the path is not of a legal form.. Please restart Outlook and try again.

BrandMail Error: An error occurred while generating Banner - the path is not of a legal form.. Please restart Outlook and try again.

The error below often appears when the email banner image file has not successfully downloaded to the workstation. 

If restarting Outlook does not fix the problem please contact your toolbar administrator and ask them to please "force a sync" to your workstation. 
This will then force all items on your toolbar (including your signature) to resync from scratch, and will override any existing errors in your toolbar database. 
Force sync can only be performed by a toolbar administrator. 
Once they have forced a sync on your workstation, please hit "sync data" from the BrandMail ribbon to complete the refresh process. 
If you don't have access to your toolbar administrator, please email: and we will assist you further.