BrandOffice: The tables in my Word document don't output correctly into PDF

BrandOffice: The tables in my Word document don't output correctly into PDF

Creating brand compliant tables from BrandOffice is as simple as inserting a table from within a BrandOffice toolbar template:

Often, tables are not created within Word documents but rather copied from other sources, such as Excel.

When one copies from other sources the formatting of those sources automatically is pulled into the destination file (unfortunately this is just how Office works). 

In order to check the sources of tables and images, go to document properties, edit links to files and a list of sources will appear below (this tells you that the elements were introduced form other sources). 


In order to fix the formatting on a table, you can: 
  1. Insert the tables from within the template (this will mean recapturing the data) - probably not a viable solution
  2. Go to the table properties in the word document, clear the border formatting and reapply. See below:

  1. In order to permanently correct this problem for future, you need to fix the underlying spreadsheet. i.e. perhaps you have a template that you use regularly which needs to be correctly formatted so the tables are correct prior to bringing them into the document. Such a template should then be added to your BrandOffice Excel templates for future easy access.

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