BQIgnite | User Reports Available

BQIgnite | User Reports Available

User Reports

The following reports are available to Administrators:


Users Report

This report provides you with a full list of users in the system, whether active or not active, as well as the date on which the user was added to the system. 
First Name
Email Address
Employee Number
Entry Date
Status (Active / Not Active)
Specific Company 

Active Users Report

This report will provide you details of all your active users at a specific date, as well as which products they are currently licensed for. This report is useful for licensing purposes. It only displays active users at the specified date selected.
First Name
Email Address
Employee Number
BrandMail (Y/N) BrandOffice (Y/N)
BrandStream (Y/N)
BrandView (Y/N)
Specific Report Date

Dual Users Sync Report

This report will give you details of syncing for both BrandOffice and BrandMail for all your active users. This report is useful to monitor software deployment status and to check versioning of software for all your users. 
First Name
Email Address
BrandMail Sync Date
BrandMail Version
BrandOffice Sync Date
BrandOffice Version
Specific Company

Users Failed Login Report

This report will give you details of users who are failing to synchronise, due to incorrect username or passwords being used. 

First Name
Email Address
Attempted Login Date
Product Version
Specify Company
Start Date
End Date

Users Never Synced Report

This report will give you details of all your users who have never synchronised. You have the option to select a product, by typing the product name in. This report is very useful during software deployment to ascertain which of your users are not yet up and running. Company
First Name
Email Address
Employee Number
Entry Date
Status (Active / Not Active)
Specific Company
Product (BrandOffice or BrandMail)

Signature Metadata Report

This report will give you the detailed information used for each active user's email signature. This is useful for monitoring data imported from other systems, such as Azure Active Directory or checking the initial take-on of data. The signature metadata is also used for the creation of business cards, should your organisation be making use of the business card generator functionality. 
First Name
Employee Number
Job Title
Business Unit/Department
Professional Designations
Industry Recognition and Awards
Telephone Number
Mobile Number
Fax Number
Email Address
Website URL
Physical Address
Postal Address
Specific Company

Users Signature Metadata Exceptions Report

This report is used to identify potential irregularities in metadata. This report is useful for identifying miscapturing or inconsistencies between Usernames and Email addresses. This errors often occur when users update their signature metadata but their user details are not updated in the admin console. E.g. when users change Surnames. Run this report when required to quickly look for potential issues in your users' metadata.  
First Name
Email Address
Employee Number
Entry Date
Status (Active/Not Active)
Specific Company

Users Birthday Report

This report highlights the user birthdays, drawn from the signature metadata.
First Name
Email Address
Employee Number
Status (Active/Not Active)
Specific Company

Administrators Report

This report provides a listing of all administrators for a specific company. 
First Name
Email Address
Admin Type (Admin/Toolbar Admin)
Employee Number
Entry Date
Status (Active/Not Active)
Specific Company

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