BQIgnite | Administrator Reports Available

BQIgnite | Administrator Reports Available

Administrator Reports Available:

Administrator Reports

The following reports are available to Administrators:


Administrators Report

This report provides a listing of all administrators for a specific company. 
First Name
Email Address
Admin Type (Admin/Toolbar Admin)
Employee Number
Entry Date
Status (Active/Not Active)
Specific Company

Administrator Activity Report

This report provides a detailed audit log of all activities by Admins for a particular company and specified period. It also summarises all activity for the selected period by Admin Activity Type.
Entry Date
Audit Type
Summary Activity
Specific Company
Audit Type
Start Date
End Date

Toolbar Activity Report

This report provides a log of all toolbar administration activities performed by each company administrator for a specified period of time. A summary of all activities is also provided at the end of the report. 
Entry Date
Audit Type
Summary Activity
Specific Company
Audit Type
Start Date
End Date

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