Adding users manually into the BQIgnite Platform

Adding users manually into the BQIgnite Platform

Adding users manually (one record at a time):

Add User Record

1. Log into the BQIgnite Admin console using your Admin credentials. 
2. Navigate to  Users. 
3. Click on + New .

4. Select the products your user will need access to, by checking the correct boxes.

5. Complete the details for your new user. Username will automatically be an email address. Set the password.

User Type
6. User Roles: select User Admin or Toolbar  Admin, if the user needs administration rights. 
7. Click Save Changes

The platform will prompt you to select a division for a user as well as the default toolbar (the default toolbar drives the signature which will be displayed).

Allocate Division to User

Next, you need to allocate the division for the user. Toolbars are linked to divisions, so without the divisional allocation, the user will not have access to any toolbars. In order to allocate the divisions and toolbars: 

Once you have selected the divisions, the correct toolbars will become available. 

Toolbar Allocation for User

The divisional selection gives users access to all toolbars within that division. However, the default toolbar is the toolbar which loads first in both BrandOffice and BrandMail. The default toolbar in BrandMail determines the signature which users receive as a default. In order to default the BrandOffice and BrandMail toolbars, click on the BrandMail tab and select the default toolbar. Click on the BrandOffice tab and select the default toolbar. 

Click Save Changes.

Your new user will then appear in the list of users after you have saved, as shown below:

Important: The default toolbar determines the email signature users get. If a BrandMail toolbar is not defaulted, no signature will appear in Outlook. 
Your user has now been correctly set-up. 

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