Adding Signature Metadata via Import File

Adding Signature Metadata via Import File

Adding Signature Metadata via Import File:

Adding User Signature Metadata (USM) into the BQIgnite Admin console may be done in three ways: 

1.  Automatically via an Azure Active Directory Integration
2. Manually (one record at a time)
3. User Signature Metadata via Import of Data File

Adding User Signature Metadata via Import File:

1. Log into the BQIgnite Admin console using your Admin credentials. 
2. Navigate to Signature Metadata
3. Click on  Import Records as shown below

4. Click on Download Template to ensure your data follows the correct format:

Once you have downloaded the spreadsheet please complete the user signature metadata details. Take care to ensure that there are no additional spaces or characters. Please save the spreadsheet to an accessible location.  

Important Notes: 

Username:  Please ensure the email address matches the email address used in your user import*
Toolbar: Please ensure the name of your toolbar matches the toolbar for which you are creating the signature *
Active: Yes OR No *
Override Default Toolbar: Yes OR No (only say yes if you have multiple mailboxes and different signatures for each mailbox) *
Receive Communication: Yes OR No (indicate whether users would like to receive updates and tips on how to use the products) *
Title: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx, Dr, Prof, Adv
First Name: First Name as it should appear on the email signature *
Surname: As it should appear on the email signature *
Employee Number: Very important for internal record keeping, license allocation, etc. 
Department: This should identify one of the departments loaded under the company settings *
Job Title: As it should appear on the email signature
Designation: Refers to any professional designations. Eg. CA(SA), CFP, etc. 
Qualifications: Refers to any Qualifications
Birth Day: Day of Month (to potentially display on BrandMe page)
Birth Month: Month of birthday  (to potentially display on BrandMe page)
Signature: Refers to any Industry Recognition and Awards (if not using the default company ones)
Telephone: Main telephone number *
Mobile Number: If required under company settings and if the user would like to display on their signature
Other Number: Usually used for Switchboard numbers
Fax Number: If required, and if wanting to display on email signature
Email Address: to display on signature *
URL: Website URL if different to the default company URL *
Preferred Contact: This should be set to Email, Mobile OR telephone *
Facebook: Only if different to the corporate default
Twitter: Only if different to the corporate default
LinkedIn: Only if different to the corporate default
LinkedIn (Personal): If enabled, this should carry the user's own LinkedIn address
Instagram: Only if different to the corporate default
Youtube: Only if different to the corporate default
Vimeo: Only if different to the corporate default
Skype: Only if different to the corporate default
Blog: Only if different to the corporate default
Linkable User: yes OR No depending if the user will be linked to other users *
Physical Address: Must match one of the addresses in the database loaded for the company
Postal Address: Must match one of the postal addresses loaded in the database for the company
Disclaimer: Only complete if the disclaimer required is different from the default company disclaimer

*Fields which must be completed for import to uploa
5. Ensure the spreadsheet has been saved and close the file. 
6. Go back to the Admin Console and  select the correct Company users will belong to via the drop-down menu as shown below: 

7. Click on "Import File" to use the correct Signature Metadata File. Once the records have successfully loaded, please click "Import Records" in order to bring their Signature Metadata Details in. 

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