Linked Users & Signatures

Linked Users & Signatures

What are Linked Signatures?

Linked signatures allow you to link the information of two users on one signature. Examples where this may be useful would be: 
  1. A Personal Assistant whose details need to appear on his/her manager's signature and who need the ability to email "on behalf of" their manager
  2. Brokers and Broker Assistants (often in the insurance sector)
  3. Paralegal Secretaries who support various lawyers
  4. Centralised numbers such as call centre numbers which are linked to various functions

Creating Linked Signatures:

In order to create linked signatures the following prerequisites must first be met: 
  1. Your Company Settings need to be updated to allow for Linked Users
  2. You need to design a "linked" signature which will display the additional information required
  3. You may need to create an "on behalf of" signature as well, depending on your requirements

Company Settings for Linked Signatures: 

To enable the ability to use Linked Signatures follow the steps below:
  1. Access the Admin Console using your Admin Credentials
  2. Navigate to Company Settings
  3. Click on Linked User Settings

4. Tick "Linked User" in order to enable the functionality
Note: "Required" will force every user to be linked to another user. It is unlikely that you will need this to be enabled. "Visible" determines whether the linked information will be visible on the BrandMe Page. Only tick this if you would like to display this additional linked user information on the BrandMe page. 
The ability to link users and display their information on linked signatures has now been enabled.

Linked Users:

Take note of the definitions below:
Linked User: The user whose information needs to appear on another signature. Examples below: 
  1. A Personal Assistant whose details need to appear on his/her manager's signature and who need the ability to email "on behalf of" their manager - The PA is a Linkable user who is then Linked to the Manager
  2. Brokers and Broker Assistants (often in the insurance sector): The broker Assistant will be the Linkable User who is then linked to the Broker
  3. Paralegal Secretaries who support various lawyers: the Paralegal is a linkable user who is then linked to one or various lawyers
The information for the signatures is linked at the Signature Metadata level (not at the user level), since users can have multiple signatures. 
  1. Identify who your "Linkable User" is e.g. The PA, The Paralegal Assistant, The Broker Assistant
  2. Go to their Signature Metadata, by Clicking on Signature Metadata in the Admin console and searching for their signature metadata information. In the example below we are going to link Linda (PA and Linkable User) to Paula (Manager). 
  3. Click on Linked User and then enable the "Linked User" functionality by ticking the check box. Linda is now available to be linked to another user. 

4. Now navigate to the Manager's Signature Metadata (in this example "Gary"): 

5. Click on Linked Users from the Manager's Metadata
6. In the drop down menu select the user who's information needs to be linked (the PA, assistant, broker assistant, paralegal, etc).
7. Save Changes.
8. Force a sync for each of the users to ensure the new settings take effect. 

The two users are now linked. Provided the template exists for the Linked User (e.g. with PA, with Assistant, etc) BrandMail will automatically use the linked signature as the default signature when writing a new email. 

9. Provided an "on behalf" of signature template exists your PA's will now also have the ability to write emails "on behalf of" the Managers, by manually accessing these signature from the BrandMail ribbon, under Mail Format > Signatures:

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